Sergio Gugliandolo Self watering vase

While I may not possess the knowledge of a horticulture expert, I take great pleasure in nurturing a few green friends within the confines of my room. As I dream of expanding my botanical collection and implementing a futuristic automated system to tend to my precious plants, alas, that remains a goal for the future.

Alas, a significant predicament plagues my current arrangement - there are occasions when I simply forget to quench the thirst of my beloved green comrades. The larger plants seem unfazed by these slight deviations in watering schedules, but alas, the smaller ones suffer greatly.

Thus, I resolved to devise a petite self-watering contraption, one that is effortlessly reproducible and a breeze to employ. Behold, the creation I present to you is a magnificent marvel, requiring but a single print, free from any support structure and without the need for intricate settings. However, do exercise caution by slightly elevating the printing temperature and flow, in order to ensure an impermeable reservoir.

I am thrilled to report that this vessel functions impeccably as intended, with the inclusion of charming pebbles nestled gently in the "river," providing a touch of elegance.

Self watering vase image